The Welsh Dragon’s Constitutional Commission

In our latest Mibbes Aye podcast series, we explore the Welsh Constitutional Commission with Leanne Wood who was one of the Commissioners on the two year project.  Leanne is also a former leader of the Welsh independence party Plaid Cymru. The Commission make these Ten Recommendations in their Report which we refer to in the podcast.

Welsh Dragon. Leanne Wood. Welsh Constitutional Commission.

Main themes for the Welsh Dragon & the Welsh Constitutional Commission

  • 00:30  Intro and welcome
  • 01:34  Mark Drakeford in the Welsh Senedd
  • 08:05  Background to the report
  • 11:20  A national conversation
  • 13:05  Informed choices
  • 15:09   A democratic revolution
  • 17:50   Reactions and next steps
  • 20:30   Iceland style constitutional conversations
  • 23:22   What if labour win the GE?
  • 27:57   Devolving broadcasting
  • 29:49    Other Welsh initiatives
  • 32:34    Welsh social security powers
  • 35:28    Profit extraction, economic powers and tax
  • 39:51    Possibilities for Scottish Constitutional Convention
  • 44:56    Fiona and Marlene reflect
  • 46:17    The Ten Recommendations in full

If you’d rather watch the video cast of our conversation with Leanne, it is here on our YouTube Channel.

And if you’d like to listen to Leanne’s own podcasts you’ll find it here.

Our other podcasts touching on constitutional arrangements.

We have made several podcasts touching on the current and possible future constitutional arrangements for Scotland. Our guests included Mike Russell of SNP, and constitutional experts Elliott Bulmer and Prof Aileen McHarg. You will find these and others in our Constitution for Scotland playlist.

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