Our guest podcast this month is a timely discussion between members of Yes Dunbar and Bill Kidd, SNP MSP for Glasgow Anniesland. Bill is a long-standing disarmament campaigner. He is part of the ICAN group which was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2017.
The audience ask Bill about the implications of Scottish Independence on the UK’s nuclear deterrent. Of course, current Russian aggression in Ukraine and wider threats to NATO are bringing this topic sharply into the spotlight.
Our Indy Jigsaw February Edition Getting Rid of Trident has more discussion on this theme and the benefits which UN TPNW will bring.
Our thanks to Yes Dunbar for sharing their event with us. Please like and share with everyone you think would be interested. If you have an event which you would like to share for our guest podcast spot, please email us on Indylivepodcasters@gmail.com