This month the First Minister launched the third in the series of Scottish Independence briefing papers. This one is called “A Stronger Economy with Independence” and you can read it on the Gov.Scot website here. The paper covers vital topics on the theme of creating a stronger economy for Scotland.
All independence supporters know that “What currency will you use?” is the unionists favourite question. It is good to have a clear answer on that point!
We will introduce a Scottish pound as soon as reasonably practicable after independence.
Debate still rages on the timescale for introduction and exactly what “as soon as reasonably practicable” means. We will be looking in more depth at that aspect in future podcasts.
Creating a stronger economy for Scotland involves more than just currency.
Other topics covered in the paper include state pension provision, debt and deficit and EU border arrangements. Further detailed briefings will come out on these topics so keep an eye out for future podcast versions
Currency is a very hot topic at the moment and you can follow the debate in our Currency category which has all our podcasts on the topic. We also have categories for Pensions, Europe and of course the Indyref2023 campaign.
Dr Tim Ridout of the Scottish Currency Group has produced a website showing his own thoughts on the timescale and process of introducing a new currency. If you would like to know more you can visit his website here. SCG also have a Facebook group. Other opinions on the topic are on the Believe in Scotland website and FB page too. We do not endorse any particular opinion, we include these to stimulate further debate.
The press conference was streamed in full on Scottish Government twitter but mainstream media coverage was poor. We therefore created this podcast version of the press conference including the Q+A from the journalists. It also means you can listen on the go on your favourite podcast app! Subscribe to Scottish Independence Podcasts on Google, Spotify, Podbean Apple or wherever you get your podcasts.