Battle of Roslin. Reclaiming our History. Scottish Independence Podcasts

Battle of Roslin – 1303

Battle of Roslin – Reclaiming Our History

24 Feb 2024 was exactly 721 years after the Battle of Roslin, when 8000 Scots, led by the Red Comyn, inflicted a humiliating defeat on 30,000 English soldiers.

Every year members of the Scottish Resistance gather at the Battle Memorial and hold an event to honour the Scottish patriots of those days. But also to encourage present-day Scots to learn our own history and reclaim the narrative of our nationhood.

Battle of Roslin. Reclaiming our History. Scottish Independence Podcasts

Some of the local place names still have echoes of that battle: Shinbones Field, the Kill Burn, Hewan Bog. And if you believe the story, Mountmarle – now the site of the Roslin Research Centre – was the spot where the English soldiers called out to Marle, an English knight, to mount his horse and save himself.

James Scott, the speaker at the event, has more stories about the battle and about the nearby Roslin Chapel. But perhaps his main theme is to put the Battle of Roslin into the wider perspective of that generation of Scottish leadership – the Bruces, the Douglases, the Comyns. We hear of the actions of the Black Douglas after the death of King Robert the Bruce. How so many Scottish knights fell in battle in Spain against the Moors. And how one of those knights is still remembered each year by Spaniards. I mean who knew that!

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