Why does Scotland Have a Big Land Question?

In November the Revive Coalition held their biggest conference yet bringing together organisations and individuals with a shared interest in Scotland’s land. Who owns it? What do they do with it? Is there a better way? These, and many more questions were covered on the day. We’ve put together clips from contributions which particularly struck us. Lesley Riddoch gien’ it laldy:

Lesley Riddoch. Big Land Question. Revive Coalition Conference. Scottish Independence Podcasts

Featuring the following speakers:

  • 01:43 – Lesley Riddoch introduces the event. And makes the historical connection between the very few people who owned land and the fact that back then you had to own land to vote. Think about it.
  • 07:42 – Kevin Cumming, Scottish Rewilding Alliance
  • 16:07 – Josh Doble, Community Land Scotland
  • 28:19 – Kirsty Jenkins. Onekind
  • 30:32 – River Roding Interspecies Council
  • 36:22- Jenny Barlow, Tarras Valley Nature Reserve
  • 44:27 – Mhairi McFarlane, Diffley Partnership
  • 51:09 – Donna Smith, Scottish Crofting Association
  • 57:03 – Lesley Riddoch, Intro to part 2
  • 02:03 – Robin McAlpine, Commonweal
  • 09:41 – Mike Russell, Scottish Land Commission
  • 01:14:05 – Max Wiesnowski, Revive Coalition
Also available as a video podcast

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Big Land Question. Revive Coalition Conference. Scottish Independence Podcasts

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