Edinburgh Yes Hub recently hosted a panel discussion on the topic of Scotland, Democracy & the Future.

Scotland, Democracy & the Future. Edinburgh Yes Hub. Scottish Independence Podcasts

The panel was chaired by Peace Campaigner Janet Fenton and speakers were:

Panel Discussion: Scotland, Democracy & the Future

Panellists were invited to give a 5 minute opening address, followed by two rounds of questions from the audience.  

  • 00:51 – Euan Hyslop
  • 08:58  – Alex Martin
  • 11:57  – Kenny MacAskill
  • 19:50  – Colin fox
  • 30:28  – Q+A Round One
  • 01:03:02  – Q+ A Round Two

The video version of this event on our Youtube Channel: Scotland, Democracy & the Future

This podcast is part of our Independence Strategies playlist

Thanks for organising this event, Edinburgh Yes Hub, and for sharing it with us.

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