SNP Independence Strategy Debate
The route to independence concerns everyone in the Yes movement and there is by no means consensus on the path that will lead to success.
Scottish Independence Podcasts support Scottish Independence but we are not party political. We will be dropping in on the various party conferences to see how they propose to get us there.
We start with the 2023 SNP conference. The SNP independence strategy debate was a key – and lengthy – item on the agenda.
Indypodcasters Fiona and Marlene navigate the key parts of the debate, including the vote at the end. If you want a 1min summary of the proceedings before you listen to the debate, then click here for SNP Indy Debate Summary.
Content List:
00:01:16 Humza Yousaf proposes the resolution, followed by Stephen Flynn, seconding.
Followed by key speeches in favour or against the various amendments:
00:17:22 Tommy Sheppard – proposing Amendment A
00:23:22 Tony Guiliano – proposing Amendments B and C
00:29:43 Joanna Cherry – proposing Amendment D
00:37:19 David Buckley – Remitting the resolution back, in other words go back and think again.
00:41:27 Graeme McCormick – Direct negative, vote the resolution down.
00:45:43 Chris Hanlon – proposing Amendment F
00:48:22 Mike Russell, speaking against amendments F and G
Followed by speeches summing up the amendments:
00:51:21 Tommy Sheppard summing up Amendment A
00:53:56 Joanna Cherry summing up Amendment D
00:57:03 Pete Wishart summing up Amendment G
00:59:37 Graeme McCormick summing up the direct negative
And ending with the final summing up in favour of the resolution
01:02:11 Humza Yousaf summing up
There is a video version of this podcast. It premiere’s on Tuesday Nov 7th at 8pm. Just click on the image to get to it.

The full SNP independence strategy debate can be watched on SNP’s Youtube channel.
You’ll find podcasts featuring other independence-supporting Parties in our Scottish Party Politics Playlist.
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