Stories from the March. Scottish Independence

Stories from the March, Glasgow, 4May,

Stories from the March: Glasgow 4th May 2024 – Indypodcasters Fiona and Marlene join the March for Scottish Independence, organised by AUOB.
Here are some stories and opinions from folk we met along the way:
  • 00:30 Jacobites
  • 01:09 Yes 2 and memories
  • 04:18 Big blue flags!
  • 06:42 Solidarity Saltire
  • 07:04 Richie Venton, SSP
  • 07:30 Freedom Come All Ye singalong
  • 09:58 March sets off
  • 16:36 Alex Salmond, Alba
  • 19:03 Refugees are welcome here
  • 20:34 View from the Bridge

Well done to everyone who took part and thanks for stopping to chat with us! Marlene is still chuckling at being mistaken for Val McDermid!

Stories from the March
Scottish Independence

You can find the livestream of the whole event on the IndependenceLive YouTube channel.

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We’ve just released an audio podcast of the speeches from the End Pensioner Poverty March for Independence last month. You’ll find them here: Speaking Up for Scotland. Or have a look in our Grassroots Indy Campaign playlist.

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